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Victorian Disability Worker Commission

The Victorian Disability Worker Commission's (VDWC) is encouraging disability workers to show their commitment to a stronger, safer disability workforce by becoming registered disability workers.

Ethnolink worked with the VDWC to translate their resources into 8 languages to enhance accessibility to in-language information for Victoria's culturally and linguistically diverse disability workers.

The client

The Victorian Disability Worker Commission (VDWC) administers the Disability Service Safeguards Act 2018 (Vic.), which regulates registered and unregistered disability workers in Victoria.

From investigating complaints about registered and unregistered workers to prohibiting workers from providing disability services, the VDWC supports the regulation of the disability sector to deliver high-quality care to disability workers.

About the project

Industry Government
Services Professional translation, independent checking, Adobe InDesign typesetting, PDF accessibility tagging and community checking
Languages Arabic, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Filipino, Hindi, Punjabi, Sinhalese and Vietnamese
Documents Brochures, news articles and email copy

The challenge

Ethnolink has found over our years of experience that certain topics can be more difficult to translate. These topics can include mental health, sexual health, LGBT rights, religion, etc. And this also includes disability, where inappropriate or outdated terminology can result in disrespectful communications to the target audience.

Additionally, the VDWC expressed concern over the dissemination strategy for their resources to culturally and linguistically diverse communities. This is an area that we have commonly observed challenges in as community engagement often requires a tailored and grassroots approach to be effective.

The solution

Ethnolink engaged NAATI certified translators and independent checkers for each language. Independent checking is part of our Professional Package, and it is highly recommended as our standard service package as it provides professional translation and a high standard of quality assurance.

During the translation process, our translators and independent checkers worked in close collaboration to produce culturally and linguistically appropriate translations that were respectful to the target audience.

To address the VDWC's challenge with resource distribution, Ethnolink also proposed a distribution plan to our network, which includes key industry and community stakeholders.

The results

As a result, we were proud to present the VDWC with translations of the highest quality, across 8 different languages.

You can find VDWC's CALD stakeholder pack, which contains a list of translated resources that can be downloaded and shared, under 'Our Work'.

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